
    Ik ben professioneel actief in*

    Mijn organisatie:

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    Ik heb de livestream gevolgdIk was aanwezig in het provinciehuis

    Wat is jouw mening over volgende stelling?
    "Ik vind dat biologische bestrijding in Vlaanderen moet kunnen ingezet worden tegen invasieve plantensoorten."

    Is mijn mening over bovenstaande vraag veranderd doorheen de dag?
    Kies *

    I'm professionaly active in*

    I want attended the livestreamI was present at the provinciehuis

    What is your opinion on the following statement?
    "I think that biological control in Flanders should be able to be used against invasive plant species."

    Did my opinion about the above statement change during the day?

    I want attended the livestreamI was present at the provinciehuis